Monday, February 18, 2013

L♡ve Your Skin

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1. Drink lots of H2O- If you are not a big fan of plain water, try coconut water. It's a huge trend in hollywood and it naturally keeps you hydrated.

2. Don't stress yourself out- Stress has been proven in clinical studies to worsen the overall skin condition. So try simple breathing techniques, practice yoga or meditation.

3. Take off your makeup every night- Let your skin breathe. It only takes a few minutes, so do it!

4. Give your makeup brushes a bath- Makeup brushes can hold a lot of bacteria, and excess oil, which easily causes break out. It is very important to spot clean them everyday with a brush cleanser or use baby shampoo for a proper wash. Think of this as a basic hygiene.

5. Wash your pillow cases regularly- Pillow cases can collect bacteria and dirt, and it can easily transfer to your skin.

6. Clean your phone screen more often- The phone screen can get pretty gross. Even if bacteria may not be the direct cause to your break out, having a dirty phone won't help either.

7. Get fit- Exercise regularly to retain your skin elasticity and prevent those unwanted wrinkles. What a better way to get a healthy body and clear mind!

8. Keep your hands away from your face- It is a pretty bad habit that can be avoid. Every time you press against a pimple, it causes inflammation and distress to the skin, and eventually permanent damage.

9. Get your beauty rest- You need to rest physically and mentally. A good night sleep can lift your mood, knock down stress, and make you more productive.

10. Scrub away- Dead skin cells can clogg pores on your face and cause congestion or blackheads. Exfoliate at least twice a week for a younger healthy skin.

Thank you for reading!

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